World Harrier Organization
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®World Harrier Organization
and its logo are trademark
and website copyright
by Global Publications & Software
formerly Global Trash
Complete details/exceptions on
home page sidebar.
If you were a member of or, you are already a member. Contact us if you forgot your details, don't use this form. Membership is completely free! To join the World Harrier Organization with over 25,000 members in over 2,000 groups around the world, just fill out the application form below and submit it. To verify your details by email manually (for everyone's security), you will receive an email requesting a response by clicking on a link in the email. You need to do this to prevent your account from expiring. Email verification occurs periodically, so keep your email address current. (* Required fields.)
*User ID:     3 to 24 Characters. Enter standard English letters, numbers, hyphen (-) or underscore (_) only. Try all or part of your Harrier name, write it down and/or remember it.
*Password:  *1st:     *2nd:  
Enter password twice. 4 to 24 Characters. Enter standard English letters, numbers, hyphen (-) or underscore (_) only.
Email will be verified. Can only be viewed by members and staff.
 *First:     *Last:  
Required, no anonymous memberships! Viewed by members & staff only.
Harrier Name:    Not group name, but the nickname
awarded you by a harrier group, else leave blank (for HHH, hashname).

Remember, it's all free, but we do verify your details manually. Soon, you will receive an email with a verification link - be sure to click on it to keep your account open. Please be patient, there may be some delay - we also like to run trails!

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McDowell Bible College
Certificates, Diplomas, Masters in Ministry, Biblical Studies,
Leadership and Administration & Information Systems Management
A nonprofit Christian college for English speaking students around the world.